RCE Gippsland
Regional Centre of Expertise in Education for Sustainable Development in Gippsland
Global Learning Space
Gippsland Regional Centre of Expertise in Education for Sustainable Development (RCE Gippsland) is one of a network of 175 RCE’s across the world that constitutes a Global Learning Space for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, with each RCE translating the global objectives of the UN 2030 Agenda into the context of the local communities in which they operate.
Our vision is to co-design and co-activate a resilient and respectful regeneration of Gippsland in collaboration with the region’s key social, economic and environmental institutions, advocates and stakeholders
After a 12 month internal review and reflection process, RCE Gippsland is heading in 2021 with a clear sense of its role in tackling key environmental, cultural and economic challenges for the region. You can view our current Strategic Plan here.
Vision & Goals
Our vision is to co-design and co-activate a resilient and respectful regeneration of Gippsland in collaboration with the region’s key social, economic and environmental institutions, advocates and stakeholders.
The goals of RCE Gippsland include:
- Raising societal awareness of and appreciation for the value of community-wide, intergenerational, place-based, life-long learning as tool for enabling adaptation, resilience and regeneration
- Linking and leveraging work being done in the region to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals
- Connecting across the region and between sectors to amplify the impact of these activities and reduce duplication of effort and resource-use
- Working with local councils to assist them with delivering on sustainability and climate action plans
- Increasing acceptance of the need for climate action and adaptation planning as a priority for all organisations, and developing resources to meet that need
- Advancing cultural sensitivity that respects the knowledge of Gippsland’s past and present generations and First Nations people, so that this knowledge can be passed to future generations in a respectful and valuable way
- Developing and fostering a community of practice around the Sustainable Development Goals