GCCN Initiatives

Neerim South Hospital

Energise Gippsland

Energise Gippsland is focused on managing the community energy and partnered projects to deliver climate positive outcomes.

Chris Barfoot | Project Officer | chris.barfoot@gccn.org.au

Energise Gippsland
Renewable Fund 2small
Community Power Hub Gippsland

Engage Gippsland

The Gippsland Climate Change Network is committed to providing high quality, up-to-date information and education on climate change, renewable energy, and sustainability. We collaborate with likeminded organisations and government agencies to engaging with the Gippsland community at all levels.

Engage Gippsland
Smart Farm Power Conference Willandra Farms Gippsland 5

Regenerate Gippsland

“The carbon in soils is greater than all the carbon in our biomass and the atmosphere combined, so even small changes in that pool are going to have really large effects for us” – Ben Taylor Ecosystem Ecologist

GCCN engages with the Gippsland agricultural sector through Food & Fibre Gippsland and look for opportunities to collaborate with other peak industry bodies.