Powering Gippsland
The way we generate energy is changing
Project 2022
Opportunities for Gippsland community to benefit from new energy transition are growing!
Since July 2021, some 42 community energy projects have started across Gippsland, reducing energy costs and emissions and enhancing control of energy supply and reliability for participating communities.
There has also been significant growth in our Gippsland community energy network, with more and more individuals and organisations sharing experience, technical expertise and lessons learned.
By connecting with this network, you’ll hear about unique opportunities evolving in the region through partnerships with industry and government featuring renewable projects, innovative solar systems on community facilities and virtual power plant trials.
We look forward to speaking with you.
Important Project Update
Support from the Gippsland Community Power Hub (GCPH) will change from Friday 26 August 2022, with the completion of the Community Power Hubs program which has been delivered by Sustainability Victoria on behalf of the Victorian Government.
From this date, the Gippsland Community Power Hub will operate at a voluntary capacity under the guidance of our governance group who have generously agreed to continue supporting communities access cleaner and more efficient energy for another year.
The governance group is made up of representatives from GCPH key partners Gippsland Climate Change Network, the Energy Innovation Co-Operative, the Mallacoota Sustainable Energy Group and representatives from other community groups still operating
The change does not affect the availability of free technical advice or the opportunity to network and connect with community energy thinkers and experts.
If you’re working on a community energy initiative in Gippsland and want practical energy transition support, please direct contact to darren.mccubbin@gccn.org.au or 1800 839 007.

Venus Bay Community Centre:
Solar system
What is a Community Energy Project?
A community energy project is one in which a community is involved in initiating, developing, owning, operating and/or benefiting from renewable energy and energy efficiency development.
Neerim South Hospital:
Solar installation
Benefits include:
- Reduced electricity costs
- Increased energy self-reliance
- Income generation
- Increased knowledge and awareness of renewable energy, and
- Increased community cohesion through working together toward a shared vision.
The GCPH has supported the completion of fourteen community energy projects in the last 12 months to July 30 2022, these include:
Sustainability Victoria Pilot Program Highlights
The following programs are some of the highlights from the Sustainability Victoria Pilot Program, Latrobe Valley Community Power Hub. The pilot program ran from 2017- 2020 and GCCN was the lead organisation.

Licola Wilderness Village:
Off-grid system
Yinnar Community Footpath:
Solar lighting
Yinnar Art Resource Collective:
Renovations with solar
Loch Sport Community Hall:
Community donation
Ramahyuck District Aboriginal Corporation:
Solar farm

Traralgon Neighbourhood House:
Connections to funders for solar installation