Morwell Innovation Centre, 1 Monash Way, Morwell VIC 3840
Wednesday May 17th
6.30 pm for 7.00pm start
This is a free event with light supper provided but tickets are limited so be sure to book your spot, either for in person or online attendance.
Eventbrite link for hybrid event Successful renewable transition in Europe Tickets, Wed 17/05/2023 at 6:30 pm | Eventbrite
Come and join us for Mark Wakeham’s talk “Explore ‘Just Transition’ climate change collaborations around the world and their applicability to the Latrobe Valley”.
The talk will be hosted by Michelle Isles and there will also be a Panel Discussion with Local Operators.
About Mark:
Mark was awarded a Churchill Fellowship in 2020 to study successful energy transitions that support the aspirations of workers and communities in Europe. In particular he studied just transition programs and authorities and the development of the offshore wind industry.
Mark works for The Sunrise Project as Australian Program Director and is a Board member of Sustainability Victoria. He has over 2 decades experience working on climate and sustainability policy, campaigns and communications.
He has held leadership roles in the Australian environment and union movements including as CEO of Environment Victoria, and as a Senior Advisor for the Australian Council of Trade Unions.
Mark holds a Bachelor of Arts (History) and Commerce (Economics) and a Graduate Diploma in Adult Education. He is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and lives in Melbourne with his partner and two sons.